What we do
Assiniboine Credit Union (ACU) dedicates considerable resources and efforts to protecting the security of your account information. You need to be assured that your online and mobile banking with us is always safe and confidential. Here's some of what we do to ensure your account integrity when you're banking online:
We use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for all of your online banking transactions, and when online forms are being sent and received. Data is encrypted using banking standard protocols and can't be read or changed.
A series of firewalls prevent unauthorized access to our internal systems. As data comes to us over the internet from your device, it does through a series of safety checkpoints so that only authorized messages and transactions enter our computer systems.
We physically secure our internal servers, telecommunications systems and service centres so that your personal and financial information is protected physically as well as digitally.
The Personal Access Code (PAC) you use for online and mobile banking as well as your Personal Identification Number (PIN) are inaccessible to us and we will never ask you to reveal them. We do expect our members to keep their PAC and PIN, as well as all secure passwords and security questions and answers, confidential.
Our online security question and answer interface is used to positively identify you and to prevent others from impersonating you when you use our online forms or when we are talking with you on the telephone.
We never send or ask you to submit or confirm sensitive personal information by email because email is not a secure form of internet communication.
Every ACU employee is required to pass an annual privacy compliance test as part of how we train and reinforce the importance we place on member information confidentiality and security.
Feel free to read more about how our privacy policies and practices protect your personal information.